First of all, I am not saying that MathML is great. However, when someone proposes replacing a language with another one in the context of the Web where there are strong network effects and formats cannot be considered on their intrinsic technical merits alone, I think the burden of proof is very much on the one proposing a new format.

From time to time people vent their frustration with a particular language by proposing abandoning a language for something supposedly better in a one-off message to a list. Your message seemed to start in the rant mode, hence my dismissive tone. Sorry.

On May 27, 2006, at 20:10, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Henri Sivonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Math even more than schemas or vector graphics needs to have an XML
syntax, because math needs to integrate in prose on a more profound
level than e.g. replaced elements would allow.

I do not agree; the current MathML is not really integrated with XHTML.

I said that math needs to integrate with the surrounding prose. I did not say that MathML is integrated right. The point was mainly that there needs to be an XML syntax rendered by the same engine as the prose--or at minimum the renderers need to communicate the baseline and line breaking--and rendering math as a replaced element (possibly using a totally non-XML syntax) is not good enough.

Similar thoughts when one decides
reusing old but effective HTML <table> element instead of adding new
redundant ones: <mtable>, <mtr>, and <mtd>.

Unfortunately, HTML tables carry a parsing legacy that makes them problematic in text/html inline content. (And matrices in math need to occur in inline content.)


1) First I would note that I was not talking of verbosity of XML end tags or similar, but of the inefficient markup model specific to MathML. Have
you tried to encode E=mc2 in full parallel MathML? And what about fine
parallel markup?

I haven't. I decided long ago that I don't want to write MathML by hand.

2) It does no sense to offer people gzip archives of online documents for
downloading and reading off-line!

Gzip is built into HTTP.

Very often when people complain about the size of something, enabling compression on the HTTP level works just fine and is non-disruptive. That's why it should always be considered before more drastic measures.

The w3c has done a big effort on providing us lightweight rational
alternatives to old insane approaches. A typical example is the usage of a
simple CSS external document for all your HTML documents instead of
repetitive encoding of font style in each paragraph of each document.
MathML just break this tendency providing one of most ultraverbose and
redundant encodings I have seen in my life.

The W3C's track record with CSS, PNG and XML 1.0 does not necessarily generalize to other specs. :-(

The code in a MathML fashion would be typed like

<mp><mr>This</mr> <mr>is</mr> <mr>an</mr> <mi>important</mi>

I see your point.

However, since presentational markup is not likely, above <i> is better
encoded as <em> in HTML. Next <em> is already rendered as italics by
default but I can change rendering via i) CSS in the head of document ii) external CSS is used by several documents at once iii) Special CSS rule
add via style attribute

(You can change the presentation of <i> in the exact same way.)

4) Still using gzip other approaches are less expensive in both disk and

Perhaps, but with torrented videos and spam using up Internet bandwidth, I don't think that alone is good enough a reason to revamp markup.

How is MathML not compatible with the DOM?

Introducing specific DOM model does implementation in browsers mainly
impossible. MathML is not integrable with rest of browsers technologies as
DOM, CSS, and WS model.

WS? Web Services? How is that relevant?

There is a lot of technical details in Opera browser developers site on
why they rejected *native* MathML support.

Could you cite an URL, please? I searched and I found a discussion where the XML-MAIDEN guy was against MathML in Opera and two Opera employees (Moose and csant) were in favor.

Well MathML is not really based in those. But we can render math using just HTML, and CSS, and we can use JS and DOM in the same way we use
HTML or CSS for text. Look XML-MAIDEN
[] for ideas, samples, etc.

Interesting. However, the results have the look and feel of a
afterthought math editor for a word processor rather than the look and
feel of pdfLaTeX output.

I admit I did not properly appreciate the page. I guess my bogometer was fooled by the domain name, a demo link leading to a Yahoo! error page and the mention of DTDs.

Now that I took a closer look, it appears that the spec is hidden in comments in DTDs. XML-MAIDEN could really use a proper spec.

The look and feel are better that with MathML.

I disagree. And I am on a Mac here and MathML rendering in the Mac builds of Gecko is known to suck.

Moreover, the MAIDEN markup can be transformed to TeX for printing via TeX
engines whereas better CSS-based printed engines are not ready.

I found the XSLT program but are there examples of results on the Web?

Do not forget that those articles are generated with a couple of simple
CSS 2.1 rules *without* font metrics information

I think that's a bug rather than a feature. The layout should not require a particular font, but the math layout engine should make good use of font metrics at the client.

Fine tuning in the web can be achieved complementing the generic
XML-MAIDEN stylesheet with more rules for special cases or with fine
tuning CSS rules directly inserted in the document.

I thought one shouldn't have to tweak CSS to get math to render properly. By default, the authoring experience should be on a similar level of "just works" as LaTeX with the default templates.

It is not difficult to achieve TeX output quality when using font metrics.

Any demos of that?

There are many programs out there that have access to font metrics and still get nowhere near TeX.

And, of course, it is close to impossibility that you can provide a TeX
engine for the web

IIRC, IBM tried, though.

One of problems
with this approach is that once new STIX fonts available I can use
them in
HTML, also in CSS rendering of math, but I cannot use them in firefox,
since MathML module would be rewritten, and the full engine
obligating to users to download and install new versions of browser
new fonts!!!

The PUA mapping is indeed a problem. If you want to see a change here,
I suggest creating an OpenType font that uses the Type 1
outlines from the YandY version of Computer Modern and has proper
Unicode mappings.

I prefer to follow usual web design guidelines providing rendering engines
and technologies were independent of the fonts installed at the client

That was not the point.

The point is that there's an incentive to build custom support for particular legacy fonts, because properly encoded TrueType or OpenType fonts are missing. To bootstrap an ecosystem of properly encoded fonts, the obvious course of action is repackaging the outlines from the legacy fonts. That would remove the incentive to build custom code.

4) The default printing of MathML is not good and people is
returning to
TeX for that!

In general, Knuth was over 20 years ahead of everyone else. CSS-based
typesetters are still catching up with TeX on some things. (And the
bar is pretty high.)

No. It is relatively trivial to provide TeX quality in different markups
when one knows font metrics.

Where's the demo? Why do most math renderers suck if it is trivial to get right?

In fact, one can see several authors providing TeX quality with SVG and
even with HTML approaches when font metrics are known.

Could you cite URLs, please? How were those documents produced? Was there some kind of LaTeX->pdfLaTeX->PDF->pdf2svg->SVG pipeline involved?

The really difficult problem is to provide good typesetting quality
without rely on specific fonts; Knuth has not solved this still ;-)

One can change fonts in TeX. The problem is that CM is hard to beat in consistent glyph coverage.

HTML Math could be incorporated in a few days because it an incremental

Presumably, if it is so easy, in a few days we can download your custom build of Gecko or WebCore that implements a prototype, right?

5) Accessibility is very deficient

A different syntax won't help. Implementations of accessibility tools

False. Alternative syntaxes for mathematics already proposed are more
accessible than MathML by several technical motives.

Do you mean "Are more accessible with existing tools." or "Would theoretically be more amenable to accessibility tools that have not yet been developed."?

Ambiguous rendering are absent when one uses old GIF model + ALT.

Assuming that whoever produced the page bothered to provide alternative text.

Some automated tools put LaTeX or Mathematica source there, which may be quite reasonable both for copying into those tools and for human consumption. (I remember reading about a blind person who reads LaTeX source in Braille.)

Moreover, the situation is still poor than that! Many sites claiming
theoretical accessibilities (e.g. Distler blog) are serving (ds) ^2 as
<mi>d</mi><msup><mi>s</mi><mn>2</mn></msup>, i.e. 2s ds!!!

I'm pretty sure Distler doesn't claim his math to be accessible, and
I'm pretty sure he is quite aware of the paradox that AsTeR does not
support MathML even though its author was on the WG.

Distler does lot of different claims. In the accessibility statement



“Equations are written in MathML 2.0.”

That's a statement of fact about what language is used. It is not an assertion about the accessibility properties of the language.

And do not explain that accessibility of their self-proclaimed
ultra-advanced blog is poor that if had used old HTML + GIF + ALT model
(or using PDF or even LaTeX).

Chances are it would be more accessible with GIF + alt.

Perfect p-MathML 2.0 code is not really accessible, but still poor, MathML
code is being served by Distler is structurally invalid and based in
tricks. For example, he is using <mrow> and tricky collections of
<msubsup> for simulation of tensors. He does not use invisible operators
introduced in MathML. He encodes prescripts as in TeX via empty groups
instead using <prescript> tag. This is odd!

Not odd really, considering that his MathML is programmatically generated from iTeX source.

Accessibility of MathML is just a myth.

It is quite possible that it is inherently broken. I centainly believe that it is a myth right now.

7) The possibility for automated searches of math continues being
a myth.

Many, many things related to searchability, internationalization and
accessibility are myths in the realm of semantic markup.

Then this is argument for not usage of MathML in HTML 5, point.

However, you just are systematically failing to understand main points
here. Take the case of searches.

I was not suggesting that MathML is really searchable. I was agreeing that there are myths in the area.

8) Visual rendering is not incremental as in CSS. This can offer us
problems with large documents or even with server failures. I find
curious the w3c emphasis on abandoning non incremental rendering of
HTML presentational table layout models in favour of CSS layouts,
forcing usage of a non incremental MathML presentational markup. Some
mathematical documents take order of 10 minutes before rendering in

This is not a design problem with MathML. This is Mozilla bug #18333.

Is _that_ bug related to the 10 minutes, to that MathML rendering is not
incremental when compared to a CSS solution, or what?

It is the bug related to the general lack of incrementality in XML rendering in Gecko. Designing languages around that bug is a *really* bad idea. Moreover, it is even worse to think that the bug is somehow inherent to MathML or XML. (Yes, people do entertain such ideas.)

Precisely LaTeX substituted TeX presentational markup by default
stylesheets and macros with emphasis on content. You apparently misguided
the point that HTML was semantic markup, after transformed in
presentational markup by big developers (the nightmare of <font>) and
recently retransformed again in semantic markup with presentation best
done by CSS and elimination of <font> and family.

Formulae in LaTeX are still not guaranteed to be unambiguous enough ("semantic") to be processed as math by an AI-incomplete symbolic math package. Mathematica, on the other hand, encodes data sufficient for unambiguous input for symbolic math manipulation.

Of course, what everyone would like is something that looks as good as LaTeX output but that can be pasted into Mathematica or Maple or somesuch and symbolically manipulated and evaluated. But that's a hard problem.

Any other
alternative approach could be implemented in browsers in a few days,
because one can reuse working HTML, CSS, and DOM.

I look forward to your implementation.

C) A more complete approach is providing a set of structural and/or
semantic tags for usage with HTML5.

Scope creep.


Adding math to HTML5 would broaden the scope of HTML5. A broader scope translates to more editorial work and more implementation work.

But again apple and oranges. I am explaining that one can provide a better
support for online mathematics than using presentation MathML just by
addition of a few tags to the future HTML. Your appeal to LaTeX appears a
bit off topic and in any case is not relevant for not considering my
proposal of avoiding MathML as mathematical markup.

I believe that "a few tags" are sufficient and that LaTeX provides too much when I see a working LaTeX to few-tags converter that can deal with the wide range of mathematics currently typeset using LaTeX.

Henri Sivonen

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