Le 10 juin 2006 à 5:18, White Lynx a écrit :

But isn't this presentational instead of structural? Why not use

     <fence class="parenthesis">...</fence>

with the proper CSS for presentation?

But fence is used not only for brackets, it may appear in other constructions like |absolute value|, ||norm||.

What's the problem? Why couldn't we write

    <fence class="absolute">...</fence>
    <fence class="norm">...</fence>


I suppose one reason may lie in
the non-obviousness of implementing different kinds of fences styles
in CSS.

Another reason is that different bracket styles usually have different meanings, so this is sensitive information and transfering this kind of information to presentational layer makes it difficult to recover.

Good criticism, but who said classes are only presentational?

If someone cares much about semantics he will bind its document to a microformat profile [1] and use relevant class names. Or he could go "the cheaper way" by using "meaningful" class names without a microformat.

Maybe, just maybe, we could define in the spec a default set of the most expected class values (just like "rel" has its own set of default values in HTML 4 [2]). Browsers could then provide some style for these classes when they are used on the new mathematic elements such as <var class="vector">.

 [1]: http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#profile
 [2]: http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/types.html#type-links

In particular this may affect functionality of HTML-Math to LaTeX or HTML-Math to MathML convertors, that are likely to be based on structural markup without paying any attention to what styling is actually specified in style sheets.

Nothing would prevents people from using purely presentational classes such as "left-brace", or "right-bracket", and then combine them at will.

I'm not really against the left and right attributes however, as they are somewhat easier to use than left-* and right-* classes. My point was that they *are* presentational. But I'd note that this isn't necessarily wrong.

As most of you probably know, HTML 4 deprecated the "align" attribute on <p>, <div> and many other elements, but it did not for table rows, columns and cells [3]. Why? I can only speculate, but I would say it is because cell alignment is usually tied to the data inside the cell. It *is* presentational, but is still more a question of content than page layout.

Could <fence> be in the same situation? It's not a question of content, but a question of meaning, or semantics, that decides what it should look like. In many cases however, it won't be possible to extract the mathematical meaning, so the presentation will be the closest thing to semantics we can have.

 [3]: http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/tables.html#adef-align-TD

Michel Fortin

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