Le 17 juin 2006 à 7:01, White Lynx a écrit :

Yes, sup/sub will work like in HTML. This behavior is not perfect in case of resizable operators, fences, matrices and vectors however in this cases operator limits (llim/ulim) and fence markers (marker/ submark) provide necessary functionality.

That's what I thought. I'm not sure I like the idea of expressing exponents using either <sup> or <ulim> depending on what's preceding it. So I thought I could suggest something else.

The goal of <fence> is to have resizable fence delimiters around an expression. What makes <fence> so difficult to implement (hence the abstract <fenced> element) is that it must support any arbitrary height. But even with the help of <fenced> a big problem remains: with current CSS capabilities, it is difficult to display arbitrary sized parenthesis or braces, or anything requiring more than what can be implemented using CSS borders.

I think all of this can be solved with one tiny change of paradigm. Instead of having <fence> decide itself of its size (which doesn't work with all kind of delimiters anyway), we could let the author decide of the delemiter's size around <fence>. If we had a size attribute, or something like that, with a list of predefined sizes for for <fence>, authors could choose the appropriate size according to the content. Different CSS rules could decide what to do for each size:

    <fence size="medium">...</fence>

    fence[size="medium"]::before {
        content: url(open-medium-parenthesis.png);
    fence[size="medium"]::after {
        content: url(close-medium-parenthesis.png);

And, to return to my first point, elements following <fence> (like <sup>) could be aligned according to the fence's size:

    <fence size="medium">...</fence><sup>2</sup>

    fence[size="medium"] + sup {
        vertical-align: 5em;

Fence markers could be implemented in a similar way, and then you would no longer need a <fenced> element.

All this remains to be tested. I'm not sure it will work that well with text zoom for instance. But it could simplify the markup as well as it would solve the resizable delimiters problem. I know it's not ideal, but it could be a workable solution for current browsers. The manual sizing restriction could be waived one day if CSS capabilities improve.

It doesn't solve the thing for matrix though.

Michel Fortin

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