Ian Hickson wrote:
>  3. Otherwise, if the user has disabled the checking for this text,
>     then the checking is disabled.
>  4. Otherwise, if the user has forced the checking for this text to
>     always be enabled, then the checking is enabled.
>  5. Otherwise, if the element with which the text is associated has a
>     "spellcheck" content attribute, then: if that attribute has the
>     literal value "on", then checking is enabled; otherwise, if that
>     attribute has the literal value "off", then checking is disabled;
>     otherwise, move on to the next step.

How does this get away from the

Check Spelling:

( ) No
( ) Yes                    (i.e. when the page says)
( ) Really, really, yes    (i.e. always, whatever the page says)

preference problem?


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