Matthew Raymond wrote:
Aaron Leventhal wrote:
Firefox has support for making dynamic web applications with custom JS widgets accessible, via support for xhtml:role and aaa: properties. If anyone would be interested in taking a look, I would welcome feedback.

   What Firefox is doing for DHTML accessibility has a very narrow use
case. It applies to DHTML widgets, that are not bound to fallback markup
using XBL

Without commenting (yet!) on the rest of this thread, I should just note that any argument that relies on the near-future widespread deployment of XBL is unconvincing. I would be extremely surprised if the entire XBL spec is easier to implement than some targeted extensions to HTML, therefore we shouldn't use it as a justification any more than any other unlikely to be implemented soon technology.

, where a proper CSS presentation for the users primary media
is not available

This is almost always the case on the real web.

   I don't see a significant difference between |role| and predefined
values for |class|.

Oh and I'm allergic to predefined class values :)

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