tabindex="-1" doesn't just remove items from the tab order. It also makes items focusable via mouse click or script, which is important when designing custom container widgets like spreadsheets, etc. via Javascript. In fact any negative value does it.

Don't try to overload the tabindex attribute. First, the browsers currently optimize it knowing that it's an integer. Second, the scoping is orthogonal. Third, magic values are less readable. It's voodoo.

- Aaron

Simon Pieters wrote:

Currently if you want to use the tabindex to change the tab order you mostly have to specify tabindex on all links and form controls prior to the area you want to modify the tab order, because otherwise that area would be before all prior elements in the tab order, which in most cases isn't wanted. Therefore there's a need to scope tabindex somehow.

So here's an idea. A new value for the tabindex attribute, "scoped". Here's an example:

<p>The following links should be focused in the order which the link text indicates:
  <p><a href="#">first</a>
  <table tabindex="scoped">
    <td><a href="#" tabindex="1">second</a>
    <td><a href="#" tabindex="3">forth</a>
    <td><a href="#" tabindex="2">third</a>
    <td><a href="#" tabindex="4">fifth</a>
  <p><a href="#">last</a>

The table itself is not in the tab order and is not focusable.

I'm not sure if we need another attribute or something for this instead as .tabIndex is a long and not a DOMString. Or perhaps we could say that all elements that have a tabindex attribute is a scoping element, so that authors can use tabindex="-1" on the table instead.

Here's a pointer of where this (or something similar) is called for:

Simon Pieters

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