On 10/3/06, Joao Eiras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Although WebForm2 provides automatic validation of form content from the
UA side, the specification has a few gaps related to customizablility of
notifications, by web authors, without scripting enabled.

If the user fills a form in an improper way the UA should alert him of the
problems. Opera in the early days of its initial web forms support showed
an alert box stating that the information was invalid, now it flashes the
input field, and presents a message overlapped in the webpage.
However it presents a very generic error message like "You must set a
value!" (for required) or "foo is not in the format this page requires"
(for pattern).
The author may want, in the case of an error, to present its custom error
message to the end user.
This could be achieved by declaring new custom attribute for the several
controls, which could hold the message. The UA could then either pop up
that message to the user or embed it in the page (like Opera does
The attribute could be named like requirederr, patternerr, or use some
other sort of naming convention to easily associate the constraining
property with the message attribute.

Is the use of the title attribute inappropriate for this case?

Brad Fults

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