Henri Sivonen wrote:
HTML+ used <dl> for dialog. As far as default presentation goes, <dl> is the best fit for marking up dialog. Yet, the semantic markup party line is against it.

I think there are two reasons for insisting that <dl> shouldn't be used for dialogs, i.e. that <dl> really is a definition list rather than a generic presentational grouping device:
  1) Saving face after years of such insistence.
2) Avoiding breaking software that collects term definitions from <dl>s.

I am not a fan of #1-style reasoning. My guess is that case #2 is already broken on the real Web.

I agree. Perhaps dl should be redefined as "Description List" or "Descriptive List". Then dt could be relabeled as Description Title and dd could be relabeled as Description Definition or Description Description :D Then it could be easily used for dialog too.

I don't think that it's worth the trouble to declare dl element to be unordered (http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#the-dl). As I see it, it's only to rationalize the #1-style above.

Is there a single user agent anywhere that doesn't present a dl list always in the source order? If not, how about fixing this issue and thus allowing dl to be used for dialogue?

Jukka Korpela has written a somewhat complete article about marking up definitions as http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/def.html and possible markup is presented at http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/def.html#markup

The dl element as we know it today is nowhere powerful enough to express much more than a simple entry with two parts. I think it would be wise to document the real world usage of dl element and *if* we want a specific markup for definitions, we can define something better.


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