
There's also these ones...


On a separate note... I've been thinking that it would be useful to have a program that could take a TTF font file and transform it into some _javascript_ that would draw the "strings" with the Bezier curve procedures that <canvas> already has.

See ya

On 10/24/06, Alfonso Baqueiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This is the kind of hacks a drawString method can prevent.

2006/10/24, Lachlan Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Alfonso Baqueiro wrote:
> > The canvas component is very promising, but the lack of drawString method
> > could be a great error for its success, this lack is a huge limitation, how
> > could you resolve this problem?
> Just for a bit of fun, I created a demo to show how it is already
> possible to render text on canvas.  This technique has certainly got
> many limitations and could never be made as good as a native
> implementation, but it works Firefox, Opera and Safari.
> http://lachy.id.au/dev/2006/10/canvas-text
> --
> Lachlan Hunt
> http://lachy.id.au/

    Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc.

    charles @ reptile.ca
    supercanadian @ gmail.com

    developer weblog: http://ChangeLog.ca/

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