On Nov 2, 2006, at 3:44 PM, Jonathan Worent wrote:

--- Christoph Päper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

First off I think the requirement for a |title| is too strict,
because there are time and space saving abbreviations everyone knows
-- i.e. either their expansion or their meaning -- that do not need an expansion, e.g. "e.g." or "AIDS". Therefore the second sentence
should use 'may', not 'should'.

Agreed. (At the least, the specification is currently ambiguous about whether title= is required.)

I disagree. There is never a guarantee that people will know what an abbreviation stands for, I know what AIDS is but not what it stands for.

But that applies not just to abbreviations, but to writing in general. All writing assumes a level of knowledge. If a blind biologist listening to a scientific journal heard "DNA" expanded as "deoxyribonucleic acid" on every page, that would quickly become infuriating, even if the UA was smart enough to do it for only the first occurrence on each page. (Temporarily turning off such expansions would be unreasonable if there were other, unfamiliar, abbreviations present; and trying to request expansions from the UA case-by-case would be tiresome.)

   <abbr title="that is">i. e.</abbr>

This would not be correct usage because the abbreviation i.e. does not represent "that is" it means that though. In this case you using is to mark up the definition.

I use <abbr title="that is">i.e.</abbr> not just because that's what it means, but because that's how it *should* be expanded if it needs to be expanded, for example if it is being read aloud. (Expanding it as "id est" would be pretentiously unreasonable.)

Similarly in "Mac <abbr>OS</abbr> <abbr title="10">X</abbr>", I don't give "<abbr>OS</abbr>" a title=, because what "OS" stands for is never relevant in the context.

Matthew Paul Thomas

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