On Dec 2, 2006, at 09:19, Lachlan Hunt wrote:

The best idea so far for how to make it work is for parsers to automatically recognise the tag names and put them into the correct namespace.

I think putting subtrees rooted at <svg> or <math> in the SVG and MathML namespaces respectively (and allowing /> to close elements while the tokenizer is looking at such a subtree) would be more forward-compatible with future SVG and MathML revisions. (Subtrees rooted at children of SVG <foreignObject> and MathML <annotation-xml> would be put in the XHTML namespace.)

As a further stipulation, xmlns with the right values would be allowed on <html>, <svg>, <math> and children of <foreignObject> and <annotation-xml> but would have no effect.

Any reason why that wouldn't work? Would it be evil?

(The above is about the text/html serialization.)

Henri Sivonen

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