On Feb 11, 2007, at 12:01 PM, Geoffrey Sneddon wrote:

To take this from a discussion last month on atom-syntax:

What is meant to happen if you set innerHTML of a <div> where the set value has both a <base> and an <a>?

first of all the <base> element can only be inserted in HTML documents. The spec states that there can only be one <base> element. The <base> element must be used before any elements that use relative URI's.

If the insertion mode is "in body" handle the token as follows:
A start tag token whose tag name is one of: "base", "link", "meta", "title" Parse error. Process the token as if the insertion mode had been "in head". [1]

So inserting a <base> element in the body results in a parse error.

[1] http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#how-to0

- Geoffrey Sneddon

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