On Mar 10, 2007, at 9:40 PM, Matthew Ratzloff wrote:
I don't care about DTD, but DOCTYPE is established, so it seems strange to trash it in favor of something new when the benefit is questionable (as
far as I can tell).

I don't think anyone wants to trash the DOCTYPE in light of the current landscape. The problem is that the IE team wants ANOTHER switch to turn on Super-Standards Mode.

If DTD is out, bring back the deprecated "version" attribute that it
replaced. Assuming there is only one version of HTML 5.0, the following
would work:

<html version="5.0" mode="strict" encoding="UTF-8" lang="en-US">

All attributes optional, obviously.

That's a great idea. That solves not only the versioning system, but could solve the IE Super-Standards Mode switch (though I don't think the "mode" attribute needs to be there... no one wants to specifically render in quirksmode, I'd think). Again, my worry is that W3C doesn't implement it. My header idea would go above W3C's and WHATWG's heads. That means that it doesn't have to be in any published spec (and it shouldn't be, IMO). It's just something to tell IE how to treat the content (the same way we tell browsers to render as XML, charsets, caching, etc). There is really no reason it needs to be in any specification. However, if we can solve the missing versioning problem, it could be dual purpose (assuming W3C implements it in their recommendation).

Robert <http://robertdot.org>

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