In WF2 I can prefill a select list with external data pointed to by a data attribute like so:

 <label>Choose the species:
    <select name="species" data='examples/species.xhtml'></select>
 <label><input type="submit" value="Send data" /></label></p>

However it strikes me as funny that I can't prefill a repeating form. e.g.

<div id="observation" repeat="template">
    <input type="text" name="species[observation].name"

At least I don't think I can. This seems so obviously useful I can well believe I might have overlooked the relevant section of the spec. if so, could someone please point me to it? If not, would anyone else like something like this?

Elliotte Rusty Harold  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Java I/O 2nd Edition Just Published!

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