Ian Hickson wrote:

A large portion of the feedback concerned the way that the current spec doesn't have any features for native browser-provided UI.

I completely agree that on the long term this is something we need to offer. However, we musn't bite off more than we can chew. There are several sets of use cases, some of which require browser-provided UI, and some of which need just video playback under the control of the author. If we want to have this implemented well, we need to focus the browser vendors' concentration on specific features. Since it is easier to implement first an API then a native UI, rather than first a native UI and then an API, the API has to come first. Similarly, because authors can make a UI with an API but can't sanely make an API with a native UI, providing an API provides authors with more options.

If LiveJournal on YouTube or some other site wanted to allow authors to embed video without requiring the authors to have to deal with JavaScript, they could create a page that contained just the video and video playback UI, with the video URI being taken out of the query parameters of the page, and then could give people markup that embedded the video using an <iframe>, as in:


This would be a safe mechanism, and would be relatively easy to set up. (It doesn't even require server-side support.)

I must disagree with the focus on the comparatively complicated case (video as part of a web application) vs. the more obvious case of "I just want to embed a video in my web page."

If I want to embed an image in my page or blog, I just upload it somewhere and write:
    <img src="pretty.png">

If video is going to be considered a first-class citizen, I argue that this needs to be possible for video as well:
    <video src="pretty.ogg">...</video>

Currently I do not routinely post video in my blog nor on any of my web pages because it is non-trivial to offer it in a portable manner. Your proposed solution is still too much work for the casual author: unless some other website is prepared to help me, I have to not only upload the video but also prepare a second page containing some script and markup to implement a user-interface. (And incidentally, LiveJournal doesn't allow iframes to be used either. I'm not sure if that's a LiveJournal peculiarity or a common thing in hosted weblog systems.)

Please reconsider what you are focusing on as the "simple case". I'd argue that these services like Google Video and YouTube have come about largely *because* embedding video on a web page is such a pain right now. If it were just a matter of uploading the video somewhere and linking to it, authors would be able to do this themselves in most cases without the assistance of sites like YouTube, much as right now most authors don't need a website to help them present static images.

I won't disagree that specifying a full user interface to be provided along with the video element is a non-trivial task, but providing just a simple UI with a play/pause button and nothing else would, I expect, pacify most people after native UI for now. Browser vendors would be free to innovate their provided UIs much as Internet Explorer and Mozilla have with their "image toolbars".

I maintain, therefore, that the following two things should be catered for by the spec in addition to what's already there: * By default, browsers are expected to provide at minimum a play/pause toggle button which does not interfere with the size of the movie. (This implies that it must be some kind of overlay, ensuring that the size given by the page author is the size that the video will actually play.) * An attribute is provided to disable the default buttons so that apps providing their own branded UI don't end up with confusing interfaces.

I'd be interested to hear what is so difficult about the above. Browsers already do much more complicated things than this.

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