On Thu, 22 Mar 2007 20:53:48 -0000, Silvia Pfeiffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

About 8 years ago, we had the idea of using fragment offsets to start
playing from offsets of media files. However, in discussions with the
URI standardisation team at W3C it turned out that fragment offsets
are only being seen by the UA that sends them, so they will never
reach the web server.

I think we had in mind (at least I did) URL of the page that contains the video, not the URL of the video file itself. Because of this indirection it's completly up to UA to read fragment identifier and translate it into appropriate HTTP request for the video file (which could use Range header that's more proxy-friendly than query string).

Let's say there's http://example.com/example.html page which contains embedded video:
...<video src="video.ogg">...

I'd like to be able to construct URL like:
http://example.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:35
that would cause UA to start playing the embedded video.ogg from 12:35.

regards, Kornel Lesiński

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