On Mon, 09 Apr 2007 21:37:31 +0200, Jon Barnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I can think of two possibilities.

One would be to allow the param element as a child of any element (or any
block level element?)

And then make an attribute of HTMLElement called params
 readonly attribute HTMLCollection params;

Where params is a collection of HTMLParamElements that are children (not
further descendants) of that element.

That would make this:
<div id="foo"><param name="answer" value="42">Some more content</div>

easy to access via JavaScript:
var foo = document.getElementById("foo");
if(foo.params['answer'] == 42) {
 // it is!!

The only other possibility I can think of would be an HTML attribute called "params" that would be a list of tokenized name value pairs, but that sounds
even hairier to implement.

Or allow any attribute that starts with "x_" or something (to prevent clashing with future revisions of HTML), as private attributes.

   <div id="foo" x_answer="42">Some more content</div>

   var foo = document.getElementById("foo");
   if(foo.getAttribute("x_answer") == 42) {
     // it is!!

UAs wouldn't have to implement anything new using this proposal. The .param attribute you proposed doesn't work in today's browsers and so <param>/param="" would be a lot harder to work with in practice.

(I don't feel strongly either way about allowing private attributes, although I have to admit I have abused class/title for scripting purposes in the past where private attributes would have been more elegant and possibly more performant, FWIW.)

Simon Pieters

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