On Apr 19, 2007, at 10:47 PM, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
For the various reasons discussed in this thread, I cannot think of a real justification for making a mail client that breaks one of the basic accessibility features that people understand better than most others. And I can think of plenty of reasons for not doing so.

As Benjamin said, it's worthwhile entering alt= text when sending to many recipients, and/or to unknown recipients; that is why alt= is important for public Web pages (where you don't know who is going to read a page) and for Intranets (where if a blind person joins the company tomorrow, they shouldn't be impeded by lack of alt= text on existing pages).

But it seems likely that the vast majority of non-spam e-mail messages are sent to individuals who are known by the sender to be fully-sighted. In that case putting up an interface for entering alt= text, *just in case* the recipient gets struck blind before they get around to reading the message, seems a bit unreasonable.

It would also be weird for a mail client to ask for alternate text for images in HTML messages (because HTML requires it), but not for images in multipart/mixed plain-text messages (because there's nowhere to put it).

Matthew Paul Thomas

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