It's not that there's no plan. It's just that the plan is more along the
lines of "we'll wait and maybe add it later" rather than "we'll add it
now", since there are workarounds and seemingly little demand.

Please let us know if you get any input on your blog post.

The utility of dashed strokes is something I can get interested in.

Observe the sparseness of the JavaScript code involved in (working in IE, FF & Opera)

compared to the <canvas> solution someone posted the other day here.

(about 1/4 as much code all told) and much of that is attributable to dashed strokes.

I know it's comparing apples to oranges, but it may provide a bit of incentive.

In terms of a not so practical use case as viewed in Opera provides a very good reason, though IE/ASV does not properly animate dashed strokes and FF doesn't do SMIL yet so you'll need Opera to see it.

A ten or twelve year old java applet doing something similar can be seen here: In it the dashing is provided rather painfully through code.


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