If <input type=search> were to be standardized, Apple would need this done in a way that would be backwards-compatible with our current syntax. Otherwise we'd be forced to require an opt-in mode for HTML5 (and that is really not something we want to have to do).


On May 17, 2007, at 11:53 PM, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:

On May 18, 2007, at 12:43 PM, Lachlan Hunt wrote:
* class="search"

The aim of this one was to be able to indicate the form specifically used for searching. This would then allow UAs, especially assistive technology, to implement keyboard shortcuts or other mechanisms for taking the user directly to the search form. role="search" is provided by the role attribute spec for a similar purpose, and Safari also has <input type="search">. I would prefer the new input type because it also has direct benefits for regular users, not just those with assistive technology.

I agree, why not add <input type="search">? The use cases are:
*   Better accessibility, as described above by Lachlan.
* People often scan Web pages looking for "the little box where I can type". <http://www.useit.com/alertbox/20010513.html> If site search fields were visibly different from other text fields, and different *in a consistent way across sites*, that would make people faster at
    using those sites.

There are also ill effects from it *not* being standardized. Web authors often use brittle CSS in an attempt to emulate the Mac OS X or Windows Vista search field look.
<http://urlx.org/search.live.com/f3835> (see the top of the page)
They're brittle in the sense that they have cosmetic differences from the native controls, they sometimes rely on JavaScript, they fall apart when the page is zoomed, and/or they don't zoom at all. (Safari's implementation in 1.3/2.0 also doesn't zoom, but that could be fixed much more easily in WebKit -- if it hasn't been already -- than in a CSS+PNG+JS imitation.)

I can think of one potential problem, that being Web authors trying to use <input type="search"> for fields that aren't search fields because they think it looks cool (and because they don't use assistive aids themselves, so they don't realize the silliness). That problem would be inversely proportional to how much browsers made the field behave unalterably like a search field.

* class="error"

The original idea for this was for indicating error messages, particularly related form fields. The problem is that screen readers, when in forms mode, only read the content of form control labels, which has resulted in authors having to write any error messages within labels, which is kind of a hack. Labels and error messages should be able to be separated and providing a way to specifically indicate them would allow screen readers to indicate their presence to the user and read it on request.

Maybe that should be addressed (in Web Forms 3?) with a specific <error for=...> element.

Matthew Paul Thomas

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