Jerason Banes wrote:
That effectively restricts the storage to a single domain and is in line with how cookies work today.

Yes, it does. But I don't think I have been insufficiently clear.

My issue is not with the idea of DOM Storage as a whole, but with the idea of sharing information across sites - which requires this global storage.

I wasn't able to find any docs that describe the Storage security model used in Gecko, so I ran a few tests. What I found was that any attempt to access globalStorage[''] or globalStorage['com'] from the context of a website resulted in a security error. You can try the test for yourself here:

I suspect it might use, or be planning to use, the Effective TLD service, which provides information necessary to implement the scheme you referenced above.

    Is there a document somewhere outlining the actual benefits of this
    feature, even as potentially restricted?

The specification has this explanation: "Web applications may wish to store megabytes of user data, such as entire user-authored documents or a user's mailbox, on the clientside for performance reasons."

To restate more clearly: "Is there a document somewhere outlining the actual benefits of being able to share data across domains?"


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