On Tue, 05 Jun 2007 02:41:22 +0200, liorean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I see a potential, albeit small, problem here. What if a browser has
one full screen "presentation" media rendering on a projector and one
windowed normal "screen" media rendering. I can imagine these multiple
simultaneous renderings could be useful for giving presentations. And
if the browser doesn't declare one of the renderings the primary one
(i.e. they have the same "priority" or what you'd call it, so you
can't say one overrules the other) then I can imagine such an event
doesn't fit into the model.

Multiple simultaneous, interactive renderings of the same document is a can of worms I'm not sure the world is ready to open just yet; For instance, what happens when events are invoked one one of the views, but not on the other?

Arve Bersvendsen
Developer, Opera Software ASA

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