One possible use case of canvas are technical drawings. For even extremely simple drawings - think of a circle with centerlines and a diameter dimension - dash-dotted lines are needed as well as dimension text.

I would like to see both (dashed lines and text) in future canvas versions.
Stefan Goessner

Garrett Smith wrote:
On 5/21/07, Ian Hickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 5/19/07, Garrett Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Consider doing any diagramming. It's a necessary feature.
Not really. For straight lines it's pretty trivial to do today anyway
(either by drawing actual dashed lines or faking it with a pattern),
and in general you can use other styles of lines instead of actual
dashes. Now of course I'm not saying that this is always a good
alternative, but it's not a blocker.

If someone actually does this, then we might have to reconsider.

Someone actually did.

I haven't tried using <canvas> for UML for publishing.

 If I want to make a diagram published, I'd use the above strategies.

Trying to make UML Diagrams in the browser, current options are:
2) Image
3) HTML + CSS + Images

A UML widget for a bugzilla plugin could be useful, so long as it was
simple and quicker to use than making ascii lines.


Ian Hickson

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