On Oct 16, 2007, at 11:29 AM, Geoffrey Garen wrote:

perhaps it would be prudent to change the spec to at least suggest that if a database becomes "known to be corrupt," operations on all open handles to that database should start throwing INVALID_STATE_ERR exceptions.

I think this is already specified:
3. If transaction has been marked as "bad", then raise an INVALID_STATE_ERR exception.
7. If the statement execution fails for some reason, transaction must be rolled back and marked as "bad".

I think you can reasonably consider a statement on a corrupt database to have "failed for some reason."

After all active transactions are cleared, there is no context that remembers that the database is corrupt, and the next statement to be run would actually attempt to be executed.

I suppose user agents can volunteer to remember this and automatically fail the next statement, but it's certainly not specified.


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