Dnia 12-12-2007, Śr o godzinie 08:59 +0000, Ian Hickson pisze:
> Most people don't mark up abbreviations or acronyms at all, they only mark 
> them up at all to give the expansions generally. And for this purpose, it 
> doesn't really matter which is which (not to mention that different 
> people disagree on which is which -- I say "ess quere ell" and "ewe are 
> ell", others say "sequel" and "earl").

"SQL" and "URL" are acronyms because they are built from initial
"Mr.", "Dr.", "Ch." and "cf." are abbreviations.
"i.e." and "etc." are... er... abbreviations? 
Except for these cases, I hardly see any valid disagreement.  A rule of
thumb is that abbreviations are usually written with a dot.

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