On Dec 14, 2007, at 6:27 AM, Shannon wrote:

Rhetorical question. The reason for 'should' in a standard (or draft) is that it reflects what we (the public, the developers and the majority) want but believe some vendors won't or can't implement. It's an opt-out clause. According to OpenOffice it appears 329 times in the current draft. Hardly a useless word! All that is being discussed here is the desire to tell vendors they 'should' implement OGG. Apparently Nokia and Apple don't feel that way but are not happy to simply opt-out - they want EVERYBODY to opt- out.

Corrections to this:

1) Apple representatives have stated that we are ok with the SHOULD clause remaining. (We do think it is better to remove it for now but we can live with it either way).

2) At the same time we are driving work to find a codec that could meet the qualifications to be a MUST (which may or may not end up being Ogg Theora but will certainly be royalty-free).

3) Absence of a SHOULD clause doesn't force anyone to opt out of implementing Ogg Theora. Those vendors that wish to do so remain free to implement Theora or any other codec. I don't think Mozilla or Opera will back off of their plans to do so.

You and Dave have both accused me of 'bashing'. I think a more appropriate (and less violent) word would be 'pointing'. I'm pointing out how self-serving Apple and Nokia are.

Apple's goals are:

1) We don't want to significantly increase our risk of being sued for possibly billions of dollars. 2) We want to find a codec that everyone can implement (including open source implementations) which does not create the risk in #1.

You could argue that #1 is self-serving, since it is a risk that largely does not affect smaller corporations or individuals. However, I think it is a reasonable concern. And we are doing something constructive about it by working towards #2. The W3C will be coordinating further work to review available codecs.


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