On Jan 23, 2008 3:18 PM, Krzysztof Żelechowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Dnia 23-01-2008, Śr o godzinie 14:57 -0600, Siemova pisze:
> > Moreover, and more importantly, that would make the feature terribly
> > inflexible. If you decided to add or remove items -- or, heaven
> > forbid, you wanted to (re)populate your list on-the-fly with a script
> > -- you'd have to keep changing the start value by hand. That would be
> > well-nigh impossible in certain situations, and I think it's a bit
> > unreasonable to expect.
> It is straightforward to count the children of an ordered list element;
> the DOM does it automatically
> so that you need not even use a loop to achieve that.
> Chris

Ah, good. So can't that be used to set the start value in the first place?
Or is it generated via the actual process of rendering?

If you mean that a script should be able to use that automatically-generated
value, I'm sure that's true, but there are cases wherein the content creator
doesn't have access to the script in order to build that in. For example,
the very case which inspired me to propose this feature involved a list of
items generated in reverse order by a CMS.

- Jason

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