I briefly wrote up some documentation on postMessage for the Mozilla Developer 


If you pull it up, you'll note two places where I include big, huge, 
overbearing, somewhat-exaggerating injunctions about first checking the 
domain/uri/source properties of the received message before trusting the sent 

Writing those got me thinking: what if we could "enforce" not touching the data 
before verifying the sender's identity?  Specifically, what if we required that either 
.domain or .uri be read prior to allowing .data to be successfully accessed, say, without 
throwing a security error?  (No reason comes to mind for .source to participate in this 
scheme, either to throw or to allow access to .data, but I haven't given it serious 
thought.)  This would prevent unknowing misuse of this functionality, and safe uses 
wouldn't be affected.  I think this would only apply to the event dispatched by 
postMessage, not to MessageEvent, as the latter is same-origin and there's no harm to a 
same-origin MessageEvent.

Thoughts?  A no-harm slight increase of the ability to prevent incorrect use of 
postMessage, or excessive nannying?


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