I'm a bit late to this party due to turning off list email because I didn't 
think I could handle it in addition to all the other email I receive.  I just 
reenabled it to not miss anything; we'll see how this actually goes this time 
around.   :-\

Adam Barth wrote:
On Feb 7, 2008 4:32 AM, Hallvord R M Steen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
One case I'm still
somewhat concerned about is that one is allowed to set the location of
any top-level window according to the ancestor policy,

Yes.  I think there is a lot of room for improvement in this part of
the navigation policy.

While to an extent it seems there's agreement that the ancestor policy works 
well enough to not worry overly much about postMessage exposing the sender's 
window, the top-level window thing is a pretty big hole that breaks dumping 
content in an iframe if that content can't be trusted.  postMessage exposing 
the sender isn't that meaningful if you can just change the toplevel site, even 
if the location bar changes correspondingly.  (Really, who looks at the 
location bar on even dynamic, JSy pages other than after an intentional 
navigation?  I doubt I do.)

That said, I think a reply() method might be a better idea than a source 
property.  I'm not sure how meaningful that would be for MessageEvent 
generically, but I guess source had that problem already for server-sent 
events.  Do note it's more spec burden due to determining sender identity 
(could be mitigated by equating reply with calling postMessage on the 
proposed-hidden source property); dynamic scope-dependent behavior is no fun 
that way.

It seems like a better solution is to improve the navigation policy
for top-level windows.  That way, web sites don't have to fight the
losing battle of controlling references to their windows.


One possibility is to prevent one frame from navigating another if the
frames are in different units of related browsing contexts.

This doesn't help the iframe case, which is something that, say, Facebook or 
any site that embeds Google Maps would care about -- or, indeed, any site that 
wanted to display some other site in an iframe.  The subsequent _unrelated 
proposal would need an extension for frames/iframes for this to be a complete 


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