On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 8:58 AM, Anne van Kesteren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  You really want reply() to have that callback too (for longer
>  conversations) and at that point it starts getting icky.

Ah, good point.

>  I came up with another idea to address the issue you mention. We let
>  postMessage() return a UUID and give MessageEvent an "id" attribute. When
>  postMessage() is invoked a UUID is generated and returned. This same UUID
>  is set on the event that is dispatched. When reply is invoked on that
>  event object it creates an event that again has the same UUID. Both
>  parties can have multiple conversations that way by checking the UUID of
>  the message.

I'm trying to get away from checking IDs because the common case I
have seen is either one-way (tell the widget to do something), or
two-way (ask the widget for some piece of information). Having to
match up IDs is a pain for a simple question/answer.

Perhaps there could be a conversation object or something. Maybe
that's getting too weird though...

- a

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