Le 2008-04-21 à 13:20, Tab Atkins Jr. a écrit :

Plus, who actually wants to mark up every instance of an abbreviation?
That's a ton of work for next to no reward, and apparently isn't something that can be automated (since there are conflicts between abbreviations and actual words). Mark it up once to expand it, and if you want to refer to
the original abbreviation again, give it an id and link to it.

Well, fully automated insertion of <abbr> is tricky yes, but there are ways to automate the process in a correct way.

With [PHP Markdown Extra][1] for instance, you can define an abbreviation somewhere in the document and have it applied to each instance of this word through the document. Since abbreviations are defined on a per-document basis, presumably by the author, chances are they'll be all correct.

 [1]: http://michelf.com/projects/php-markdown/extra/

Michel Fortin

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