Ian Hickson wrote:
On Wed, 30 Apr 2008, Jonas Sicking wrote:
The aliasing behaviour seems really dodgy. I've specced the copying behaviour, which also matches Opera.
The reason you want to use aliasing is in a situation like this (file loaded from www.example.com) :

  <iframe id=f></iframe>
onload = function() {
  document.domain = "example.com";
  document.getElementById('f').contentDocument.write("hello world");

the document.domain call changes the outer documents principal. If there was no aliasing then the .write call would result in a security exception stating that content from "example.com" doesn't have access to "www.example.com".

Yes, you want a security exception there. That's what IE does, in fact. (Opera too.)

Why do you want that? That seems very counter intuitive to me (though unfortunately lots of document.domain behavior is).

/ Jonas

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