On Jun 1, 2008, at 17:25, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

* Henri Sivonen wrote:
This makes me wonder: Do the top browsers support any EBCDIC-based
encodings but just without exposing them in the UI? If not, can there
be any notable EBCDIC-based Web content?

Internet Explorer should support any character encoding Windows supports
(see the advanced tab in `control International`), which includes many
EBCDIC encodings. See eg. http://www.websitedev.de/temp/ebcdic-cp-us.txt
for an example.


Philip Taylor made a test case:

It shows that browsers that use general-purpose decoder libraries (IE and Safari) support some EBCDIC flavors but browsers that roll their own decoders (Firefox and Opera) don't.

Firefox and Opera being able get away with not supporting EBCDIC flavors suggests that EBCDIC-based encodings cannot be particularly Web-relevant. Even if saying that browsers MUST NOT support them might end up being a dead letter, it seems that it would be feasible to say that browsers SHOULD NOT support them or at least MUST NOT let a heuristic detector guess EBCDIC (for security reasons).

(Also, I think I'm going to remove EBCDIC support from Validator.nu.)

It seems to me [EMAIL PROTECTED] would have been
a better place to ask your questions than the mailing lists you picked.

So many lists. :-( CCed that one, too, just in case.

Henri Sivonen

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