I saw the need for this in our Web Inspector, which has a lot of custom controls (including some that use contenteditable elements). Some of these don't have a default focused appearance, but its nice that they can follow the focus pseudo-class CSS selector.

I agree that the disabled attribute would fit in well with this. Again, it would be nice for these custom controls to be able to use the disabled pseudo-class CSS selector.

- Adele

On Jun 16, 2008, at 12:26 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Mon, 16 Jun 2008 21:17:18 +0200, Adele Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In HTML5, focus() and blur() are now defined on HTMLElement instead of being restricted to specific form elements.

In Web Forms 2.0, the autofocus attribute is defined for "any form control (except hidden and output controls)". It seems like it would make more sense to allow autofocus to be on any HTMLElement, and have it follow the same focusable rules that focus() follows.

I thought about this a bit as well, but I'm not really sure what the use case would be. You typically see the effect happening for <input type=text>. Would this be used by contenteditable-enabled controls? Custom controls?

If we go down this route, I think we should add the disabled attribute as a global attribute as well. Internet Explorer already has it and it makes sense together with contenteditable and tabindex.

Anne van Kesteren

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