When faced with this question in MPEG (MPEG-21 files are container files too), we consulted with folks at the W3C (in Cannes, if I recall correctly) and decided:

a) that a scheme type was wrong, and that 'picking a piece out of an archive' at the client-side was almost the definition of what a fragment was for;

b) to solve the 'stacked fragments' by using a * for the second one (a character not allowed in fragments, if I recall correctly)

c) that the contents of the container, once fetched and un-packed, logically 'shadow' the directory where the container came from.

So, imagine a container x.m21 containing y.html and z.jpg. We want to see anchor-point q in y.html, with the jpeg in the page.

the 'external' pointer reads*q

this causes the m21 file to be fetched and unpacked, and then interpreted as if its source URI was

y.html has been pre-cached as a result of the unpack operation, and the re-write of the URI has eliminated x.21 and re-written the first * after the # (which has gone) as a #. So we find y.html and go to anchor q.

In y.html,
<img src="z.jpg" ...

now refers to the pre-cached z.jpg also.

I believe under these circumstances document analysis for schemes used works, relative URLs work, and documents do not need re-writing when they are packed, if they use relative URLs.
David Singer

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