On Tue, 29 Apr 2008, Adam Barth wrote:
> A couple points about Section 4.1.4:
> 1) The spec, as written, prohibits frame-busting.
> Test case: <http://crypto.stanford.edu/~abarth/research/html5/frame-busting/>
> Browser behavior:
> * Internet Explorer 8 beta: Navigation allowed.
> * Firefox 3 nightly: Navigation allowed.
> * Safari 3.1: Navigation allowed.
> * Opera 9: Navigation allowed.
> Frame-busting is used by many sites, including the Yahoo sign-in page. 
> The Yahoo sign-in page uses frame-busting to avoid showing it's trusted 
> sign-in image while being framed by an attacker (who can overlay his own 
> password field on top of Yahoo's).

Defined window.top, and allowed nested browsing contexts to navigate its 
top-level browsing context.

> 2) The spec reads "The browsing context B is an auxiliary browsing 
> context and either its opener browsing context is A or A is allowed to 
> navigate B's opener browsing context."  This is redundant because if B's 
> opener browser context is A, then A is allowed to navigate B's opener 
> browsing context.


> 3) Consider the following set of frames.  A opens X, which opens B.
> Now A attempts to navigate B.
> Test case: 
> <http://crypto.stanford.edu/~abarth/research/html5/transitive-opener/>
> Browser behavior:
> * Internet Explorer 8 beta: Navigation allowed (IE does not implement
> an opener restriction).
> * Firefox 3 nightly: Navigation denied.
> * Safari 3.1: Navigation allowed (Safari does not implement an opener
> restriction).
> * Opera 9: Navigation denied.
> The spec allows this navigation because it says "A is allowed to 
> navigate B's opener browsing context."  Now, A is allowed to navigate X 
> (by this rule), which means A is also allowed to navigate B (by a second 
> application of this rule).

The theory being that if X can navigate B (because B is an auxiliary 
context opened by X), then all A has to do is navigate X to something that 
contains code that navigates B, so we might as well allow A to navigate B 

> I don't have access to the Opera source code, but Firefox's opener 
> restriction computes just one level of recursion.  Note the branch at 
> <http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp#1991> 
> and that the function passes PR_FALSE for the parameter aConsiderOpener 
> when it calls itself recursively.

The above logic can be extrapolated to any number of levels, so I don't 
see any reason to limit it to one level of recursion.

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

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