Ian Hickson wrote on 29/07/08 03:21:
> On Fri, 10 Aug 2007, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
>> I'm suggesting that since it is common for entire menus -- or
>> toolbars -- to be temporarily irrelevant, such as when focus is in a
>> field or pane where they do not apply, there should be a disabled=
>> attribute for disabling an entire <menu>.
> My concern is that once we extend this mechanism so that you describe 
> commands separate from the menus and toolbars that they are found in,
> and maybe when we add a way to map keyboard shortcuts to commands,
> disabling a toolbar or menu simply won't work, and it'll confuse
> authors.
> i.e. I'm hoping we eventually get to a system like:
>    <head>
>     ...
>     <command id="copy" label="Copy" onclick="copy()">
>     <command id="cut" label="Cut" onclick="cut()">
>     <command id="paste" label="Paste" onclick="paste()">
>    </head>
>    ...
>    <menu type="toolbar">
>     <command command="copy">

Okay, that seems reasonable. Just so long as that command-centric system
eventually appears. :-)

Matthew Paul Thomas

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