Aaron Boodman wrote:
On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 10:09 PM, Dmitry Titov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ok, it makes sense for OOM to treat it as other OOM cases.
If I may ask your opinion about related thing: SharedWorkers potentially
would run cross-process. IPC can stop/stuck for many reasons, taret process
can die in the midflight (killed by the user from TaskManager for example).
I guess in this case Worker.postMessage() could still just return as if
everything is ok, but nothing would happen. Is it the right behavior?

I think it's OK to just drop messages in cases like this.

And if it becomes a problem we might in a future version be able to add something like a 'messagepostfailed' event that is fired on the sending port in case a message failed to reach its target for one reason or another.

However before we add any such mechanisms I think we should gain some implementation experience. It has been raised that even the current spec might be very hard to implement in a cross-process situation and so we should be careful to add more complexity.

/ Jonas

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