On 11/26/2008 05:35 PM, Calogero Alex Baldacchino wrote:
anyway I think key events handling may
be improved and become easier to adopt by adding to a somewhat interface
a few constants representing the modifiers combination used by the
browser to activate access keys, so those modifiers could be compared to
the modifiers 'carried on' by the key event (this would require support
for the DOM 3 Events, which I think could be improved/modified too -- if
something like the above is yet present in html5 spec and I've missed
it, I apologize).

Note, accesskey events (http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/track/issues/40)
won't be probably defined in DOM 3 Events (which is still just a draft).
And those events are anyway different thing to this problem.

I'd want it to be specified somewhere how accesskeys should behave in
display:none content.  Because of the valid use case (dhtml menus) and
the current behavior of FF2/Safari/Opera and it-is-used-in-the-web, I think
allowing those accesskeys to work should be ok.
Of course if there is some *good* argument why they shouldn't work, that
behavior should be standardized.



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