Ian Hickson schrieb:
Why is that a problem? Is converting one to the other a common occurance?

I'm not really convinced it's that much work. Assuming that the radio buttons and/or checkboxes are written in a consistent manner, which they usually are, a simple regexp search-and-replace on the source is usually enough to convert them.
A few seconds with Emacs or any other editor with real search-and-replace tools and you're done.
Changing the few lines of code it takes to write a bunch of radio buttons into the few lines of code it takes to write a <select> is easy.
I agree entirely that if one is designing the language from scratch it makes sense to be consistent. I'm not sure it makes sense to retroactively change the language to impose consistency on it.

Well, as far as I get the various discussions in the WHATWG list, many of them are about one of the following:
- Making things easier
- Introducing features into HTML that are commonly solved by client-side (e.g. the extensions to the input element) or server-side scripting (e.g. solving the login/logout problem in HTML) - Improving language consistency (e.g. the discussions about elements such as abbr, dfn, small, b etc.)

So I don't think that your arguments do not necessarily make my thoughts obsolete. Anyway I see the facts that WF2 is declared feature complete, that backwards compatibility has a very high priority, and that making form controls more consistent may not be crucial for WF2.

So let me, as a conclusion, repeat two points out of the suggestions I made earlier, which I think would be quite helpful, and which do not cause backwards compatibility problems, as they degrade to the default behaviour of the elements in older UAs. After that I will not insist in this topic anymore... :-)

1. Introduce a type attribute to the select element, which can change the output into a list of radio buttons (in normal mode) resp. checkboxes (in multiple mode).

2. Introduce a multiline attribute to input type="text", possibly supplemented by a rows attribute.

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