About the cross-document messaging

Let's consider the following scenario. A somewhat productivity suite (or any sort of "web applications collection") is made up of a few different top-level/auxiliary browsing contexts - let's call each one a "module" - eventually from different origins, and exploits cross-document communications to some extent, i.e. to delegate some computations or some shareable communications with a remote server; each module is independent and can instantiate the proper auxiliary module(s).

Here we are: as far as the modules are instantiated as auxiliary browsing contexts of one other module (i.e. through a call to 'window.open()'), communications are easily established, but what if any module is instantiated by the user as a separate top-level browsing context, i.e. opening a new tab or window and recalling the module document from a bookmark? I'd suggest the following:

- a mechanism is established to get access, without any restriction, to every browsing context for which the user agent can individuate a non-empty, non-null, non-undefined name attribute, at least with the capability to let "cross-origin" access to the postMessage() methods. For instance, the specifications could clearly state that the Window open() method must return an existing window reference with the specified name when invoked with an empty string or null as URL argument, with no security restriction (security restrictions should apply just to the returned window object properties). When more than one browsing context share the same name, actual "rules for choosing a browsing context given a browsing context name" should apply to choose a first result, without checking if current browsing context is allowed to navigate that browsing context; it might be helpful to get instead a list of all browsing contexts with the same name, obtained as follow: a Window object is created as a pseudo unit of browsing contexts, so that each browsing context is reachable both by invoking the XXX4() method and by accessing the frames property; each browsing context is wrapped in a Window object with 1)accessible postMessage() methods, calling the wrapped window ones, 2)an accessible parent attribute referring to the grouping Window object, 3)a self attribute referring to the wrapped object, accessible if access to the wrapped object is allowed by security restrictions, 4) access denied, without any exception/error arising, to any other method/attribute; the first member of the group (i.e. the object returned by calling XXX4(0) on the grouping Window) is the wrapper for a Window object determined by the rules for choosing a browsing context given a browsing context name (i.e. the most recently opened, or focused, or the most related with the open() method caller browsing context) and is returned.

- optionally, a few "postMessageToAll()" methods (with about the same arguments of the postMessage() ones) could be considered to let any browsing context to communicate, through its own Window interface, either to any other browsing context (eventually allowing communications from current browsing context as source, see below), or to every browsing contexts constrained by the same name (passed as, let's say, first argument), or to every browsing contexts with the same domain (specified, let's say, as the second argument).

Let's consider another scenario. A site (perhaps a blog) embeds content from a forum (or any social network), and uses script code to connect to the remote server and keep it's content up to date, but also to notify the user about any changes in other contents the remote server holds as subscribed (this scenario can be extended to mail notifications in the previous example of a productivity suite, or to a groupware). When the user navigates other documents from the site in different browsing contexts, each one is aware of the others (perhaps establishing a connection through a call to postMessageToAll, or by getting a reference by name); to avoid increasing the number of connections per server, any successive document navigated as a standalone browsing context (after the first or after a certain number) won't connect to the remote server, but will communicate with the document having an active remote connection. That is: the first navigated document maintains a remote connection and receives notifications as remote events; if it is fully active, the notifications are shown to the user, otherwise a message is sent to any other known document capable to handle the notification, hoping one is fully active; the first document becoming fully active handles the messages and notifies to the other documents that any required operation has been performed; when the remote events handling document(s) are to become no more active (i.e. they unload), a message is sent to the remaining documents so they can decide (somehow) who's the next "dispatcher".

The above could be realized with a few eventsource elements in the documents, each one with a proper list of event sources and one or more MessageEvent listeners on the corresponding Window object, which could "manually" handle the switching operations (i.e. calling the appropriate element's addEventSource()/removeEventSource() and creating the appropriate event to dispatch to the eventsource listeners from the received messages); however, most of the work could be automated in the following manner:

- let the MessageEvent instances hold one attribute for the remote event URL and one for the remote event type;

- let's provide appropriate methods to set those attributes and to post a message constrained this way (a pair of initMessageEvent and postMessageEvent variant should be enough);

- let the RemoteEventTarget list of event sources hold, for each source, an attribute (to be set when adding a source and optionally referred to on removal) identifying one of three state: remote-only, for exclusively remote messaging; local-only, for cross-document messaging (mainly thought for Window objects, optionally for other elements); both-sides to handle a scenario like the above described one; a proper attribute could be thought for eventsource elements, such to be coupled with the src attribute;

- let Window objects have a default action for message events, inspecting the event for remote url and event type and, if found, forwarding the event - with proper modification, or creating a new appropriate event - to each RemoteEventTarget waiting for that remote source, with a "both" state, present in the active document; optionally a non remote cross-document message could be considered to be dispatched to the active document RemoteEventTargets waiting for cross-document messages (see below);

- optionally, for security aim, it could be established that before accepting a remote event dispatched as a cross-document event, a connection is made to the remote source to get a session id as the first streamed event data, which must match the cross-document message data (the remote events originating server should be capable to identify the user instantiating the communication through different documents/browsing-contexts, i.e. by the mean of a log-in procedure, session-ids, cookies, or a combination of those methods, and so generate and send the same "session-communication-id");

Listing an expected source of cross-document events as a remote source (that is taking advantage of the RemoteEventTarget interface), specially on Window objects, could be helpful to improve cross-document security, since posting a message would fail not only if the recipient origin does not match the message targetOrigin, but also if the message origin is not registered as a valid source; anyway, the possibility to get messages from any other Window should be preserved availing the registration of the string "*" (this should be the default value of a default source if no source is registered, with a state of "both"; when the first source is registered the default source is removed; if the "*" string is added to a list comprehending valid absolute URLs, the state should discriminate the acceptance of a message - i.e. a simple cross-document message is accepted from any source while a cross-document message "enveloping" a remote event is accepted from just one source, and dispatched if an eventsource is waiting from messages from such source).

Furthermore, the EventListener interface could be derived to give the opportunity to list all sources a listener is able to handle, as tuples consisting of: 1)the expected target origin (either the listener owner document origin, or "*"), 2)the expected source origin (the event origin attribute), 3) the expected remote source origin (for remote events dispatched as cross-document messages), 4)the accepted state; all 4 components of the tuple could be optional (but not missing: null or the empty string should be valid values), but at least one of the first three should not be neither null nor the empty string, otherwise the whole tuple should be ignored (and discarded from the list); if the state component is not expressed, it should default to the value of "both" (this being either a string or a numerical value, accessible as a constant: to be defined); if no tuple is listed, a default tuple is created with the components: ("*","*","*",<both_value>); the tuple ("","","http://example.server.src";,<remote_only_value>) should accept events just from the indicated remote server, while the tuple ("","","http://example.server.src";,<both_value>) should be treated as if the first two components were equals to "*", meaning any remote event originating at "http://example.server.src"; can be accepted as a cross-document re-dispatched one, and the tuple ("","","http://example.server.src";,<local_only_value>) should be illegal (as if the 3rd component where "" or null); if the state component is "remote-only" the first two components, if expressed, should be ignored (or the second be legal only if matching the third, since we are dealing with remote events accepted just from the remote server), if it is "local-only" the 3rd component should be ignored (and deemed as mistaken, but without entering an error state, since the user agent should never dispatch cross-document re-dispatched remote events to a listener waiting for "local-only" cross-document messages, despite the remote component of the tuple – that is, the third one – otherwise that should be deemed as illegal), while if it is "both" the 3rd component, if not expressed should be defaulted to the string "*".

The tuples list on a message listener should simplify the URLs checking inside the listener (which could be thought to make the same operations consistently in different contexts, so no checking could be needed at all), and thus improving the overall security. In such an environment a cross-document message is delivered if and only if: a) the target origin matches the document domain or is the "*" string, and b) the message origin is listed as remote source for the Window object (or is expressly allowed by the "*" string), and c) a listener is actually waiting a message of that type from that source and with the corresponding connection state (either "local-only" or "both"); a remote (streamed) event is delivered if: a) the event source is registered to a RemoteEventTarget, and b) a listener on such RemoteEventTarget is actually waiting for an event of that type from the same source. This should also enable a precise listener selection.

Allowing a RemoteEventTarget inside a document to list a source as "local-only" and receive messages from other documents instead of remote servers (through out a default action defined for Window objects receiving messages, which could not handle it directly) could be an alternative (and to some extent a redundant) way to allow cross-document messaging at a Document level instead of a browsing context level, maybe suitable for some scenarios (or maybe just desirable, as far as a certain grade of redundancy in an API might be desirable). A "originForResponse" and a "sourceForResponse" attributes could be considered, for the MessageEvent interface, in order to allow a certain capability of syndication and communications distribution and switching among collaborating documents (i.e. the listener checks for those attributes and answers in a manner such as: 'event.sourceForResponce.postMessage(message_str, event.originForResponse)' – the postMessage methods should accept two arguments to set those attributes). If a post method were provided to allow communications from a single source to any existing browsing context (i.e. "postMessageToAll()"), the "targetOrigin" argument should be absent and it should be clearly stated in the specs that such a method must call the proper post method on each existing browsing context, passing the proper URL as the targetOrigin argument.

Regards, Alex

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