Dan Brickley wrote:

While I'm unsure about the "commercial relationship" clause quite
capturing what's needed, the basic idea seems sound. Is there any
provision (or plans) for applying this notion to entire blocks of
markup, rather than just to simple hyperlinks? This would be rather
useful for distinguishing embedded metadata that comes from the page
author from that included from blog comments or similar.

While that might be useful for natural language processing, for RDFa it is actually completely unneeded. The syntax of RDFa allows for blocks of markup to be made "invisible" by making an ancestor node into an XMLLiteral.

For example, a comment might be marked up as:

<section typeof="atom:Entry" xmlns:foaf="http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/";
  <address rel="atom:author">
    On <time property="atom:published" content="2009-01-10"
    >10 Jan 2009</time>,
    <a property="foaf:name" rel="foaf:page"
    href="http://joe.example.com";>Joe Bloggs</a> wrote:
  <div rel="atom:content">
    <blockquote property="atom:xhtml">
      <!-- The comment goes here. -->

The RDFa processing instructions say that as the blockquote doesn't have an explicit datatype set, it is to be treated entirely as a string literal (if it doesn't have any child elements) or an XML literal (if it does), and that parsers must not look inside it for triples. Thus spammers can't use the comment form for stuffing triples into the page.

It should be noted in this case that RDFa also allows natural language parsers to be made more useful. By looking at the RDFa which marks up the author's name and website, they may be able to determine that the comment has been written by someone other than the page's main author, and thus not afford it the same level of trust granted to the rest of the page. So the natural language processing can benefit from RDFa.

Toby A Inkster

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