Thanks, Ian - this was great feedback.
On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 3:29 PM, Ian Hickson <> wrote:

> It is unclear to me why you would need access to the cookies from script
> to do cookie-based authentication. Isn't the server the one that sets the
> cookie and the one that uses it when it is returned?
> Could you elaborate on how you see the cookie API being used?

Good point. Cookie-based auth is not a great use case, because as you point
out, you could just do this by passing credentials to the server via an XHR
request and have it set your cookies. I guess the motivation for allowing
cookies to be set from workers is the same as the motivation for allowing
web-page script to set cookies - perhaps this motivation is deprecated now
that we have localStorage but even localStorage doesn't seem to have the
nice cross-sub-domain sharing that cookies allow.

> (notifications):
> These seem like good use cases, but it's not clear what the user interface
> would look like, which is probably the hardest problem here.

Agreed. This will be tricky especially given the restrictions on some
platforms - I'm hoping we can do some experiments and come up with something
that's compelling.

> > Gears had an explicit permissions variable applications could check,
> > which seems valuable - do we do anything similar elsewhere in HTML5 that
> > we could use as a model here?
> HTML5 so far has avoided anything that requires explicit permission
> grants, because they are generally a bad idea from a security perspective
> (users will grant any permissions the system asks them for).

The Database spec has a strong implication that applications can request a
larger DB quota, which will result in the user being prompted for permission
either immediately, or at the point that the default quota is exceeded. So
it's not without precedent, I think. Or maybe I'm just misreading this:

User agents are expected to use the display name and the estimated database
size to optimize the user experience. For example, a user agent could use
the estimated size to suggest an initial quota to the user. This allows a
site that is aware that it will try to use hundreds of megabytes to declare
this upfront, instead of the user agent prompting the user for permission to
increase the quota every five megabytes.

To be clear, are you saying that our philosophy is to leave any permissions
granting up to the individual user agent (i.e. not described in the spec)?
Or that we're trying to avoid specifying functionality that might be
invasive enough to require permissions?

> > The namespace for PersistentWorkers are identical to those of
> > SharedWorkers - for example, if you already have a PersistentWorker
> > named 'core' under a domain and a window tries to create a SharedWorker
> > named 'core', a security exception will be thrown, just as if a
> > different URL had been specified for two identically-named
> > SharedWorkers.
> Why would we not want them to use different namespaces?
I've rethought this, and I actually agree that they should have different

In fact, I'd go further - I don't think we should even *have* names for
persistent workers (the use case for having names is "what if I want to run
the same worker multiple times without having to host multiple scripts",
which I don't think really applies to persistent workers). Also, one of the
things I'd like to experiment with in my implementation is allowing
cross-domain access to workers (this is required if you want workers to be
able to communicate/share resources across domains, since workers don't have
access to any of the cross-domain functionality that window-based script
has) - getting rid of the "name" and always having persistent workers
identified by their script url helps enable this, and avoids some security
issues, such as the ones described in this old Gears proposal I came

> I would be very concerned about this getting abused for popups. I don't
> think we want to allow arbitrary windows to be opened. I could see
> allowing a kind of simple toast popup that pops up a link which, when
> clicked, _then_ opens a window; would that work? Something like:
>   void notify(message, url);

That could definitely work. Agreed that we'd want to force some kind of user
interaction first to avoid popup spam.

> > Additionally, there's no good way for workers under different domains to
> > talk to one another (a window can use the cross-domain messaging
> > functionality to talk to other domains, but there's no analog for this
> > for workers).
> This has been intentionally delayed while we wait for more implementation
> experience.

I'm hoping to experiment with this some (per my earlier comment), so
hopefully I'll be able to report back with some interesting data points (or
at least my miserable failure will serve as an object lesson for future
implementors :).

To give people a more concrete example of one of the use cases that is
driving this: A typical Single-Sign-On implementation has the user log in
under a single domain (storing auth cookies under that domain) then when the
user visits an application domain he is redirected back through the
authenticated domain where he is authenticated based on his auth cookies,
and some sort of auth token is then returned to the application domain. Web
page script has lots of ways to achieve this (using plain old HTTP
redirects, doing x-domain requests to the auth domain via iframes, etc), but
workers have no way to do this currently short of changing the auth server
to allow cross domain requests via an Access-Control-* header.

By enabling cross-domain worker access, there could be a worker running
under the auth domain, and persistent workers running under the application
domain could authenticate themselves via the auth worker (make a request to
the auth worker, the auth worker can make an authentication request to the
server on their behalf under the auth domain and return back an appropriate
auth token to the app worker).



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