On Mon, 23 Mar 2009 11:58:59 +0100, Julian Reschke <julian.resc...@gmx.de> wrote:
Whitespace is a big issue - auto-highlighting will fail all over the place.

Auto-higlighting and linking code already fails all over the place due to e.g. punctation issues. A solution for whitespace specifically is to simply forbid it, but still require parsers to handle it as browsers already do for HTML and XMLHttpRequest. Apparently browsers also handle it for HTTP as otherwise e.g. http://www.usafa.af.mil/ would not work which returns a 302 with "Location: index.cfm?catname=AFA Homepage". Similarly http://www.flightsimulator.nl/ gives a URL in the Location header that contains a \ which is also "illegal" but it is handled fine. (Thanks to Philip`)

(Whitespace is one of the things LEIRIs "introduce" by the way.)

The issue is that it's *not* the same thing.

Well, no, not exactly. But they perform essentially the same task, modulo a few characters. And since one is a superset of the other (as long as URL encoding is UTF-8) I don't see a point in having both.

Well, then let's just agree that we disagree on that.

I would still be interested in hearing your point. Is it whitespace?

Anne van Kesteren

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