Well that could be a good answer indeed

Now let's try to dig into the subtilties on Unicode

For example what does the spec says about an attribute whose name is
data-K (where we have this unicode sequence U+0064 U+0061 U+0074 U+0061
U+002D U+212A ) ?

Is it allowed ? If not why ?

That's why I think everywhere in the spec, where ASCII is meant, it should
be explicit. If not it would clash with a Unicode understanding



On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 10:06 AM, Kristof Zelechovski

>  I suppose that converting a string to uppercase is an action relevant
> only to cases where only ASCII character set is allowed in the argument,
> such as HTML element names.  Within this restricted application domain,
> converting to uppercase has the same effect as converting to uppercase
> Chris

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