On Fri, 8 May 2009, Shelley Powers wrote:
> It's difficult to tell where one should comment on the so-called 
> microdata use cases. I'm forced to send to multiple mailing lists.

Please don't cross-post to the WHATWG list and other lists -- you may pick 
either one, I read all of them. (Cross-posting results in a lot of 
confusion because some of the lists only allow members to posts, which 
others allow anyone to post, so we end up with fragmented threads.)

> Ian, I would like to see the original request that went into this 
> particular use case. In particular, I'd like to know who originated it, 
> so that we can ensure that the person has read your follow-up, as well 
> as how you condensed the use case down (to check if your interpretation 
> is proper or not).

I did not keep track of where the use cases came from (I generally ignore 
the source of requests so as to avoid any possible bias).

However, I can probably figure out some of the sources of a particular 
scenario if you have a specific one in mind. Could you clarify which 
scenario or requirement you are particularly interested in?

> In addition, from my reading of this posting of yours titled "[whatwg] 
> Getting data out of poorly written Web pages", is this open for any 
> discussion?

Naturally, all input is always welcome.

> It seems to me that you received the original data, generated a use case 
> document from the data, unilaterally, and now you're making unilateral 
> decisions as to whether the use case requires a change in HTML5 or not.
> Is this what we can expect from all of the use cases?


If my proposals don't actually address the use cases, then please do point 
how that is the case. Similarly, if there are missing use cases, please 
bring them up. All input is always welcome (whether on the lists, or 
direct e-mal, on blogs, or wherever). None of the text in the HTML5 spec 
is frozen, it's merely a proposal. If there are use cases that should be 
addressed that are not addressed then we should address them.

(Regarding microdata note that I've so far only sent proposals for three 
of the 20 use cases that I collected. I've still got a lot to go through.)

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

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