On 23.05.2009, at 23:35, Ian Hickson wrote:

On Sat, 23 May 2009, Simon Spiegel wrote:

I agree that BibTeX is suboptimal. But what should we use instead?

(The biblatex vocabulary seems unnecessarily incompatible with BibTeX's, and the latter appears to have more deployed support, which was one of the
primary concerns that led to its vocabulary being picked.)

Biblatex is only incompatible insofar as it offers many more fields and possibilites than standard BibTeX. But that's true for about any newer BibTeX style and is a direct consequence from the extreme limitation of standard BibTeX.

Simon Spiegel
Steinhaldenstr. 50
8002 Zürich

Telephon: ++41 44 451 5334
Mobophon: ++41 76 459 60 39


„When you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.“ Abraham Maslow

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