On 30 May 2009, at 23:20, Adam Barth wrote:

In editing the content sniffing Internet Draft today, I noticed the
draft uses the *first* Content-Type header.  Internet Explorer uses
the first Content-Type header, but Firefox and Google Chrome use the
last Content-Type header.  (I don't recall off-hand which Safari or
Opera use.)  Because the sniffing algorithm is more similar to the
algorithms used by Firefox and Google Chrome, I've changed this aspect
to match them as well.

Firefox, Safari and Opera use the last header in all cases where there is a header that is only expected to appear once (i.e., doesn't take a #rule as a value), and have a list of all headers that they expect to appear only once. IE use the first header in all cases where it doesn't expect the header to appear more than once (i.e., a header like "X-Foobar" appearing twice returns the value of the first one). I don't know about Chrome, because that only appeared after I last did any work on HTTP parsing (but it normally follows Firefox from the small amount of experimentation I've done with it since). I, on the whole, would be tempted to take the first header, and use a list of headers that you expect to only appear once (i.e., a mix of behaviours).

Geoffrey Sneddon

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