On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 1:14 PM, Kelly Norton <knor...@google.com> wrote:

> One thing about postMessage that I'm curious about. Since it has to report
> failure synchronously by throwing an INVALID_STATE_ERR, that seems to imply
> that all data must be written to a socket before returning and cannot be
> asynchronously delivered to an I/O thread without adding some risk of
> silently dropping messages.

I don't think that's the intent of the spec - the intent is that
INVALID_STATE_ERR is sent if the port is in a closed state, not if there's
an I/O error after send. But Michael's right, I don't think there's any way
to determine that the server received the message - I guess the intent is
that applications will build their own send/ack protocol on top of
postMessage(), as you note.


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