Aryeh Gregor wrote on 7/23/2009 8:42 PM:
On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 6:12 PM, Peter Kasting<> wrote:
For my part, I would be very unhappy to see the HTML5 process made more
consensus-driven; I much prefer systems that approximate benevolent
dictatorships, and I don't perceive the current leadership of the group to
be insufficiently responsive to communication.

I'll second this.  A well-run dictatorship is much superior to
consensus-based decision-making, and I've found absolutely nothing to
object to in Ian's leadership.

Did you catch that article in A List Apart about Crowd-Sourcing? Only works with specific types of data, though, so you have to be careful. I think that's the greatest reason for this list. It isn't a democratic process, but the wide range of experience can show details that individuals wouldn't have the breadth to notice.

Rather than splitting the spec into a handful of clones and then battling them against each-other, I imagine it would be better to make repositories for each piece of spec (each speck of spec?) where everyone can add their two cents. A small group can go through the pile, merge identical statements, and then piece the larger picture together for each spec-piece. Then we'll be left with a specification that encompasses an extremely wide range of views and needs, and Hixie can go through that to decide what HTML5 would keep and what it would throw away.

In that light, I submit that we have less "in my opinion..." debate and do more collecting of personal experiences and needs (rather than a majority of preferences and opinions).

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